Monthly Archives: January 2012

I’m Going to Be a TV Star!

Wow! You wouldn’t believe the fab day we had on Wednesday.

Bright and early, we three dogs piled into the back of the car. I could tell it was going to be a fun day, because Linda took with food, water, a bowl, and a bunch of toys.

We drove a bit, when we heard a BOOM, and then she cursed someone who had hit her side mirror, and then she pulled over and adjusted it. Then we kept going. We stopped to fill up some of that smelly stuff that goes into the car, and then got going on the fast road. The we could hear her cursing again…”Darn, darn, I missed the turnoff. How do I get back on the route?” And then after a few minutes, we heard a BIGGER BOOM and then she had to stop the car and get out and there was all sorts of talking and stuff. But I guess everything got sorted out and we were on our way again.

About ten minutes later, we get to this most amazing GORGEOUS place full of grass and trees and lots of cow turd all over the ground. We dogs all jumped out of the car and just had a ball running through the grass and sampling all the lovely tender blades.

There was this woman with this weird camera thing attached to a long stick, and she kept setting it down towards the ground and then calling us to come running to her.

Kenny and the weird camera thing.

This went on over and over. Sometimes they threw a ball for me to fetch and gave me treats when I brought it. And they had fun filming Honey, who kept running back to the car, and then they’d call her again and she’d run to the camera (because Linda was standing behind it).

After a bit, we came upon this most amazing MUD PUDDLE. I heard Linda mumbling “oh oh, don’t let him see the mud puddle!” but of course…once I saw it I just zoomed to it.

But I guess it was OK, because the lady started setting up the camera and taking pictures of me running into the mud to chase a ball. Yeah, like I’m gonna pick up a ball from that icky water.

However, they also kept dropping treats into the puddle to get us all to splash around. What a waste of a lot of good treats. OK..for that I would put my face in the mud. So, I can’t complain, I filled up on those treats an awful lot (and of course, threw them up on the way home in the car. Ha!)

After a while, they stopped filming me, something about the fact that I was black and they couldn’t get a good ex-pozer, whatever that is. So then she filmed just Kenny and Honey running around, and then she took these “fancy, schmancy” shots of Honey lying in a bed of flowers. Puhleeze!

Kenny being handsome!

We had almost three hours of fun there, and then we came home. Of course, I had to get a bath cuz I was so dirty. But, hey, who cares. It was worth it.

You can see similar pictures on Linda’s blog.

Is My Mom a “Qualified Dog Owner”?

My mom was doing some surfing on the net late, late  last night (never mind why, and why wasn’t she in bed instead, snuggling with me???) and came across this adorable dog named Higgens in a rescue site in Montreal.

While she was there, for a lark, she filled out a quiz: Am I Ready for a Dog? It asks questions like do you have a yard, and do you mind dog messes and stuff like that. After she answered the 15 questions, her results were that “she should adopt a goldfish!” Can you believe that?

So she wrote a letter to the site:


I currently have 3 dogs: 2 rescue dogs -one that i’ve had for 7 years, and one for 3 – and a foster. The one I’ve had for 7 years, Honey, was extremely shy, and I managed with lots of patience to rehabilitate her. She has her Obedience and Agility Novice titles. The other one, a miniature poodle rescue is currently working on his A1 Agility levels, and we are also doing Canine Freestyle and Rally. The foster I’ve had for 1 month, and am also rehabilitating him out of his extreme shyness.  My dogs are well-fed with premium food and they are walked every day, even though I have a yard. They are groomed regularly, their teeth get brushed, and I even give my poodle his haircut as needed.

I have taken a course in cynology, seminars on clicker training, and have read tons of material on positive training and dog behavior.

Eight years ago I also fostered a guide dog puppy for a year, and following that I fostered a brood bitch for the guide dog center and raised three litters of puppies in my home, concurrently with Honey.

My house is pretty orderly, and clean. Yes, there is some hair floating around, but it gets swept and vacuumed regularly. Certianly nothing to be ashamed of with three animals living in it.

Why am I telling you this?

Because I took your “Are you ready for a dog” test, answered honestly, and was told I should look into getting a GOLDFISH!!! Frankly, I fear there is something deeply WRONG with how you score your test.

I wonder how many qualified and potentially suitable homes are being scared away by your quiz. Exactly what was “wrong” with my answers that makes me unqualified to be a dog owner?

I’m sure glad she didn’t take that test before she adopted us!

Silly test.

So cold!

Need I say more? It’s cold!