Monthly Archives: November 2014

Happy Endings and Tears – Looli’s story continued.

The story of Looli continues with an unbelievable turn of events.

phone sept 2014 025

Last Wednesday, Naomi received a phone call from a guy. Turns out he was Looli’s ORIGINAL OWNER!

So here is the story.

Tzachi got Looli (whom he had actually named Bamba) as a small puppy from a friend of his, when he was 13, and they were best friends until he had to leave to start his army service. He entrusted Bamba to his mom, who took care of her for about a year, after which she didn’t want to be bothered anymore.

She gave Looli to a neighbor, who apparently either gave Looli away to someone else or just abandoned her (it seems like she just one day opened up the gate to her yard and kicked Looli out). When Tzachi found out he was heartbroken, and had since been regularly checking the national microchip database for Looli’s number, to no avail.

What Looli did during the time she was wandering is still a mystery. The story is lost, and picks up a year or more (?) later when Adela finds her, and I foster her for six months.

When Naomi got the dog 5 months ago, she registered her in her name. Last Wednesday, Tzachi did one of his periodic searches and finally hit pay dirt. Naomi’s number now came up next to Looli’s microchip number.

He immediately called Naomi, who told him that Looli was fine and healthy and living a good life. Tzachi cried. He later phoned Linda to thank her for taking care of Looli, and later also called to thank Adela. A nice guy.

On Wednesday, he’s going to visit his long lost Looli aka Bamba. Hope to get some photos to post!

(PS. Just in case you’re wondering, he doesn’t have designs on Looli. He is just happy that she is safe and well.)